American War of Independence
Recently decided to go through the hobby room and thin out a few items. Below is a list of current items for sale. I will attempt to accurately describe each item and provide pictures here along with asking price. If you have questions please ask.
I have a 100% seller rating on Ebay, but my intent is to avoid all the fees and keep prices down for you. I also plan to post many of these items in multiple trade forums and will do my best to keep this post up to date as items are spoken for and sold.
Currently Available:
These Items are all Sold. May look at posting more in the future, so check back. Thanks!
In the past 3 years AWI has become one of my favorite periods. As a result I have amassed a good size collection. These figures are a combination of Warlord/War games factory, Old Glory, and Crusader. All figures mounted 2 per 1.5" x .75" metal base
AWI -1: British Regulars Marching Unit #1 (20 Figures, Green facings), Pro-Painted and based: $90
British Unit #1 |
Unit #1 Colors |
Unit #1 Close Up |
AWI-2: British Regulars Marching Unit #2 (16 Figures, Yellow facings), Pro-Painted and based: $72
British Unit #2 |
Unit #2 |
Unit #2 Close up |
AWI-3: Hessian Infantry Marching, Unit #3 (20 Figures), Pro-Painted and based: $90
Hessian Unit #3 |
AWI-4: American Continentals Firing (16 Figures, Warlord Plastics) Pro-Painted and Based: $72
Americans Unit #4 |
Unit #4 |
Unit #4 Backs |
AWI-5: American Light Infantry Firing (16 Figures, Warlord Plastics) Pro-Painted and Based: $72
American Light Infantry Unit #5 |
Unit #5 |
Unit #5 Backs |
Note: If someone is interested in entire lot (88 Figures) will sell for $375 including shipping in US.
A few ground rules:
1) PayPal friend is preferred payment method.
2) Postage at actual cost and preferred method is USPS Priority mail. Most items will fit in a small ($7.15) or medium ($13.60) priority mail box. Will entertain other options and do my best to keep shipping cost as low as possible. Up to two units will safely fit in a small flat rate box.
3) Insurance to be paid by purchaser, if desired. Not responsible for lost items.
4) Please ask questions before agreeing to purchase.
5) I place purchasers in order when they contact me.
Thanks for Looking!
I would like to acquire units AWI 1,2, and 3. The two Brit and one Hessian units.
Norris Hazelton
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